About This Blog!

Hi! I'm Vignesh (you can read all about me if you want to in the About Me section) and this is my blog. I've had a blog for years but it was generally pretty private and I just wrote for fun or as a release. A few of my friends have been trying to get me to start a public one and here it is. I'll write about all sort of things including food/cooking, books, medicine, technology, music, movies, the outdoors, photography, sports and anything else I'm interested in! (All pictures are taken on my SonyA65 SLT/DSLR unless otherwise stated)

Operation Nagala Part 1: Prep

The mission: 
A simple trek into the Nagala mountain range to find some glorious pools and waterfalls. 

It was nothing out of the ordinary when you look at it from afar. The trek wasn't supposed to be too hard with a few climbs, some slippery spots and the occasional razor-thin ledge that overlooked a 10 foot drop. Not so bad huh?